Homeless Education

The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act and state law protects the rights of Homeless Children and Youth to receive a free and appropriate public education.

Everyone who is between the ages of 5 and 21 on September 1st of the school year and has not been expelled has the right to attend school, even if they:

    • don't have a permanent home
    • sleep in a shelter
    • have a previous address in another city or state
    • don't live with a parent or legal guardian
    • live temporarily double-up with friends or family
    • don't have school records
    • sleep in a campground, car, abandoned building, or other facility not designed for, or ordinarily used as regular accomodations for human beings
    • need help getting vaccinations or TB skin test


Homeless Education  Department Activities:

    • Residence Survey
    • District Homeless Liaison
    • Required under NCLB
    • Program provided under Title I funds
    • Train parent educators on program requirements
    • Train PEIMS personnel on ITCC’s reporting
    • Review Documentation-provide assistance and answer inquiries