Emergency Communications

The paramount concern for Point Isabell ISD is the well-being and protection of its students and staff. To guarantee that each parent or guardian is well-informed about safety issues, school closures, and weather alerts, it is imperative that they maintain accurate contact details in the Skyward system.
stay up to date
Point Isabel ISD employs various means to disseminate these notifications. Please explore the options below for more details and to register, if needed, to receive critical communications.
Point Isabel ISD utilizes SchoolMessenger to deliver text messages with important information regarding safety, school closures and weather alerts. This is the fastest way to receive emergency updates from Point Isabel ISD. 
Please ensure that Point Isabel ISD has your wireless number(s) in our student information database.
Your campus and/or the district will utilize phone calls for important updates regarding weather delays and school closures, attendance or other important information. It is important that your child's campus has accurate and current information on file so that we can contact you as needed. If we do not have valid contact information on file, you could be missing important notifications.
Point Isabel ISD utilizes SchoolMessenger to deliver emails from the campus and district level with information regarding weather delays and school closures, safety alerts, upcoming events and more. Please do not rely solely on email for emergency communications
Point Isabel ISD utilizes social media to share updates regarding safety, school closures and weather alerts. Please do not rely solely on social media for emergency communications. Connect with us on our social media pages including FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.