Acceptable Use & FAQ

This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.

Does Technology Department staff read my files and correspondence?

Technology Department staff does not observe the contents of the electronic communications system except under certain circumstances such as during an investigation of a specific allegation usually brought about by parties outside of the Technology Department. They operate under a need-to-know policy that prohibits them from browsing files, etc.
However, if during their normal duties a Technology Department staff member comes across a clear violation of the AUP they are obligated to report the incident to the Technology Director.

Can I listen to music on my computer?

If you were listening to a music CD that you had purchased, it would become an issue of fairness to others. Otherwise, depending on how the music was obtained, there may be copyright laws being violated. Additionally, if you are listening to radio stations that make their content available on the Internet with your PC you are wasting a valuable (expensive) Point Isabel ISD commodity– Internet bandwidth.
Point Isabel ISD has to maintain a large enough “pipe” to the Internet to be able to pass all of Point Isabel ISD communications with other Internet-based entities (e-mail, file transfers, etc.) and still allow the students a reasonably pleasant instructional Internet browsing experience.
We have over 1000 PC’s, notebooks and other wireless devices on the network and often we find one or two PC’s using over half of the total “pipe” to the Internet for part of a day. A more cost effective solution would be to play your music on a conventional radio/CD player

I gave my user account and password to someone. What's the harm?

Much of Point Isabel ISD's information is confidential and legally protected. Employees charged with the protection of that information are required to restrict access to that information to only people who have a “need-to-know.” You were allowed access to a network resource with the understanding that it was for your use and you required access to the information presented by that service for the completion of your job duties. The person you gave your account and password to obviously did not have the proper approval or they would have had their own account and password. You do not have the authority to grant that access.
No one else can use your account for any reason. Other staff may not sit down at your desk while you are logged in to any system and use your account to accomplish a task. Note examples listed below.

  • Students cannot use staff accounts to look up another student’s schedule.
  • Students cannot post grades in a teacher’s grade book.
  • Non-PIISD staff (parents, volunteers) cannot use staff accounts to help out in the office.

Note: To ensure unauthorized use of accounts while away from your desk, users should set a screen saver password or lock the computer when away ( ctl-alt-delete on a Windows XP or Windows 7 workstation).

What about the Technology Department? Can I give them passwords so they can fix my computer? 

In some instances it is necessary for Technology staff to know your password in order to do necessary work on your system. They are bound by confidentiality laws.
The approved method to gain access to your account is for them to ask your permission, change the password, perform the work and notify you of completion. You may then change your password back to its original. You may request that your password be changed at any time or you can change it yourself on any Windows 7 or Windows 10 machine.

What does "limited use" of district technology for personal use mean?

Limited use shall be permitted if the use:

  • Imposes no tangible cost on the District;
  • Does not unduly burden the District’s computer or network resources; and
  • Has no adverse effect on an employee’s job performance or on a student’s academic performance.

Acceptable – Some examples of acceptable limited use would be to confirm an appointment, or send a message home about getting home late, leaving early, leisurely browse the internet during non-instructional hours, etc. Very little work time should be spent doing this.
Unacceptable – Examples of unacceptable limited use

  • Any non-approved use of the district’s network for commercial or non-profit businesses including but not limited to charities, work for your spouse’s business, mailing lists, printing of informational flyers, business cards, church or club newsletters/flyers, advertise or solicit funds is prohibited.
  • Use of the District’s network for personal and private business is expressly prohibited including
    • perusing web sites pertaining to your personal interests (example: watching the latest sports news, music videos via streaming media, or non-educational videos or audio downloads.)
    • shopping online, paying bills online, including banking online.
    • extensive research for purchase of a new surround sound system during school hours. (Remember, the network is there for instructional and operational purposes. Limited browsing of these sites after hours (5 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.) is still monitored by Lightspeed.)


It is prohibited and illegal to download copyrighted works, unless licensed by the copyright holder.
Due to copyright laws, file sharing programs such as but not limited to:

  • File sharing software.…are explicitly prohibited.
  • Furthermore, they are bandwidth intensive and subject our network to viruses, DOS attacks, Trojan Horses, and other security concerns.
  • Product advertisement or political lobbying or campaigning is prohibited including but not limited to sending fund raising letters, e-mailing the latest Avon catalog to fellow employees, and e-mailing to solicit guests for a Tupperware party.
  • Bullying, hate mail, chain letters, harassment, discriminatory remarks pornographic references or graphics, and other antisocial behaviors are prohibited.


An example might include forwarding graphic love letters or writing steamy e-mails.
Employees are not to use their district computers to forward non-work related e-cards, e-mails, and chain letters to other employees. Other non-related activities that are prohibited include but are not limited to wagering, lottery (even free types), and downloading of files for personal use.

These types of email may be caught by the email filter and will be reviewed.